Member-only story
America Has Always Been Fascist. For Some.
The other week, I saw something that I never really believed I would see in my life time: a cementing of the presence of fascism in North America. I don’t believe I am alone in feeling like this is something that seemed relatively impossible to fathom even only a few years ago. But, there it was on our screens and in our newspapers. Military tanks and high fences lining up and being placed around what is supposed to be “the people’s house”, The White House.
A President speaking the words, “I am an ally of peaceful protesters” while, in the back ground, the sounds of fired rubber bullets and the launching of tear gas could be heard as peaceful protesters he is ‘an ally of’ were being fired on. And then, la piece de resistance: once peaceful protesters were terrorized and removed, their supposed President began a short walk toward propaganda and his intended goal all along.
All of it, the bullets, the tear gas, everything, was done so he could stage a photo op outside of a church he doesn’t attend, and, likely never knew the name of, until he needed it as a prop in his propaganda machine. Maybe not even then. When he arrived at the Church he stood outside, held his right arm at a sharp angle, Bible in hand (and by some reports, upside down) pointing it skyward and smiling his monstrous and orange hued smile. A Joker with a heap of straw posing as…